Saturday, August 31, 2024

Debby Leftovers

                                                     Great Sand Bags! No Storage/No Lines

                                            Army Worm Damage


                                             Bring Soil Back to Life


Horticulture Hotline 08/31/24

By Bill Lamson-Scribner


For the new readers of the Horticulture Hotline, my “To Do Lists” are designed to help you target a few activities in your yard and in your home that will benefit you in the future.  These lists are not designed to interfere with high school, college, or professional football games, soccer, volleyball, sunset boating, shrimping, hunting, golfing, eating chicken wings at a local sports bar, oyster roasts, collecting oysters or clams from the local waters, or watching NASCAR on the couch with closed eyes! Shopping the sales (saving money), getting a foot massage, and going to the movies should not be interfered with.  This is not designed to be a “honey do” list.


Debby was the guest that came and flooded the house and left. She left behind mosquitoes, flies, army worms, depleted soils, trees that need to be inspected, fungus, and water damage.


Mosquitoes seem to be getting a little better as the water in ditches and other places dry up, and the County has done a good job managing the population. In the northeast the elevated risk of West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) were so great, some towns were closing public parks at dusk and rescheduling public events. There have been several confirmed cases and at least one death from EEE. Scout your property for anything holding water. Cyonara RTS, Mosquito Pro RTS, Inzecto Traps (organic) and EcoVia (organic) are good products to help you manage your populations.


Army worms were bad before Debby and only have exploded in the aftermath. Army worm damage moves across your lawn very quickly – much faster than fungus. The grass will look brown and dry. Moths are very visible in the yard and in the shrubs or ornamental grass that borders the lawn, especially in the evening. They say each moth lays about 1000 eggs in groups of 50. These eggs become the worm that eats your grass!

Cyonara RTS, Mosquito Pro RTS, and EcoVia (organic) are good products to help you manage your populations.


When our landfill had to dry out after Debby, many of our trash cans became fly breeding areas. Cyonara RTS, Mosquito Pro RTS, and EcoVia (organic) are good products to help you manage your populations.


Nitrogen and potassium, two of the big three, nutrients (Nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) leech with heavy rains. We (Possum’s) are already getting soil test back that indicate low potassium levels. Potassium is very important in a plant whether it is a grass plant, tree, or shrub. Drought stress, wear damage, cold hardiness, disease resistance, and heat tolerance are just a few things that potassium has been linked to in plants. Potassium acts as a catalyst in the plant for many reactions. Perk, SeaHume, and Cotton Burr Compost will help to replenish your soil. This is a great time to take a soil test also.


I was going to get some sand bags for my house and the line to get them looked a little long and I remember we sell bagged sand at Possum’s. When I got to Possum’s, I decided I would use Cotton Burr Compost bags. Another great use of Cotton Burr Compost! Now I do not have to store sand bags until the next storm (driving around I see sand bags stacked up around many houses). Cotton Burr Compost bags did a great job of protecting my house, and now I can revitalize the microorganisms and nutrients in my soil with the bags I already have at my house! By chance, one of the smartest things I have done in a while!


Since it is getting near planting time, Back To Natures’ Nature’s Blend has proven to do a superb job in our Lowcountry soils. The special blend of composted cotton burrs, composted cattle manure, humate and alfalfa meal has the best of gardeners coming back for more. Alfalfa contains Triacantanol, a natural growth enhancer, and is high in organic Nitrogen to get your plants growing. Nature’s Blend may also aid in the suppression and control of certain fungal diseases.


Here is what the late Dr. Herman Daniell had to say about his experience with the product, “The Nature’s Blend has been a superior product for my rose garden. I have had healthier bushes with more blooms since I began using this product.”


Many of you will also be changing out containers, hanging baskets and potted plants. If your plants are in an exposed place requiring daily watering, consider adding soil moist or other water holding gels to your soil. These gels and the use of a wetting agent like Possum’s Wetting Agent with Biostimulants can make your life much easier. If you go away for the weekend, your plants will hardly miss you.


Now is the time to apply preemergent products for your winter weeds.


Always read and follow product label.