Monday, September 25, 2023

Assassin Bug to the Rescue / Labels


                                            Aphids on Milkweed


                                           Beneficial Assassin Bug comes to the Rescue


    Notice the Green Grass around the area that Cotton Burr Compost was applied. Picture
      taken 12/25 - Christmas Day. Filling in weak areas all year long!

Horticulture Hotline  09/25/23

  Bill Lamson-Scribner

Every day that goes by this time of year seems like the risk of a hurricane hitting the Lowcountry gets a little less. Come on cooler water! Oyster season is getting ready to open and that is a good thing for the oyster eaters. Moles, mole crickets, and mosquitoes are being obnoxious. An assassin bug is eating my aphids. Did you fertilize your trees and shrubs this fall? Cotton Burr Compost is a great year-round organic product for turf, trees, and shrubs.

I was using a product that the manufacturer went to some trouble and expense to include a tag around the neck of the bottle where you open the top to pour out the product. I am going to leave the product nameless since this same tag should be used on all products.

This tag is very red and states:


This product is only

 effective if you read the

 instructions thoroughly.

Failure to do so will result in

 you moaning and groaning

that the product doesn’t

work and generally being

a pain in the bottom. Make a

positive change in your life

will you, and read the


This tag makes my, “Always read, understand, and follow product label. The product label is a Federal Law,” seem tame. Your success with most things in life depend upon your ability to follow instructions.