Horticulture Hotline 05/09/23
By Bill Lamson-Scribner
The wind, cool nights, and lack of rain has been brutal this year especially for zoysia grass. The nights are finally getting warmer, so hopefully, with a little water all will be green soon!
The question I have been asked the most this year revolves around dying grass (other than moles – moles always top the list). The answer has always involved too much shade. Trees generally grow a bunch and put on a lot of leaves every year, and as a result, grass suffered due to lack of sunlight and competition.
The other day some was showing me a picture of their dying grass and I could see a young tree in the picture probably 30 feet tall. In the conversation it was revealed that the tree was only 10 feet tall when they purchased the house – there’s your answer- and I’m sure you had beautiful grass there when you moved in 5 years ago.
For the most part all the grasses around here like full sun – yes, even St. Augustine (or Charleston grass) prefers full sun. St. Augustine (or Charleston grass) prefers full sun; however, can tolerate shade better than some of the grasses. Most PHD doctors agree that even St. Augustine requires six hours of direct sunlight to provide a healthy stand of grass.
The statement I hear the most is something like this, “I just replaced this grass in the Spring.” This scenario is very common because you replaced the grass because it died due to shade and now the new grass is dying because of shade issues. The trees in this area have grown like gangbusters this year and the grass has been unable to capture the sunlight with its chlorophyll and produce the needed carbohydrates to establish a healthy stand of turf.
On side yards, trees grown between houses and the houses themselves block a lot of the sunlight. Side yards are often very narrow, so all the foot traffic is concentrated into a small area. Water from the houses is often directed to flow between the houses. A combination of traffic, extra water and shade is deadly to most grass. Mulch, blue stone, oyster shell, or some other footpath and a drainage system might be a good winter project for this area.
Some solutions to these situations could be to grow heat tolerate ryegrass. Ryegrass grows very good here especially in shady areas.
Redesign beds that were put in years ago while the trees were small, making more beds and less grass. Healthy green grass bordered by mulch is a nice look.
Remove shrubs and trees that are shading your turf, if zoning allows. If your landscape has become over mature, maybe you can transplant some shrubs or small trees.
Grow grass in these areas and plan to replace it as needed and not feel bad about it. Regularly trim your trees in this area and not feel bad about it. Sometimes we are kind of stuck with the landscape we have. Growing grass as an annual that you change out yearly is all you can do in some situations if you like grass. I know several properties that grass is replaced every year because of oak trees.
With these drying winds we have had, we have had a lot of success stories from people that have tried our wetting agents with biostimulants. Moles have had their babies so look for increased activity – great. Mole crickets are mating – lovely. The warmer nights seemed to have activated the fire ants,mosquitoes, and fleas – wonderful. Make it a great day!
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