Monday, October 5, 2015

The Rain

Wow, what a difference a week makes! Last week I was smelling my sweet tea olive, this week my feet are wet as I type this because of flooding in my home office.

Because of damage potential, really inspect your trees closely. With these saturated soils, wind can blow over trees. Leland Cypress and other evergreens are very susceptible because of the big sail their foliage provides. Young trees that haven’t developed an extensive root system are also susceptible. Just ride through a new neighborhood and you will witness these young trees lodged over.

Look at your trees and see if they have developed a new “lean”. Inspect near the roots of your tree and look for any heaving or raised areas. Not all trees become instantly dangerous because they are leaning. If the tree fell, what would it hit is always one consideration. Having a tree care professional inspect your trees is a very good idea at this time.

John Quincy, WTMA producer (he produces “The Garden Clinic” which is on Saturday from noon until one and replayed on Sunday from eleven until noon), discovered a new use for Cotton Burr Compost during this weather. He placed a bag at his back door, like a sand bag, to keep the water out of his house. What a great product! Sand bag during flood then spread on your yard to replenish nutrients that were leached out during the rain.

Your soil nutrients took a big hit over the weekend. A soil test now would help you out tremendously in 2016. Bring your soil to a Possum’s Landscape and Pest Control and we will get you back on the right track.

Potassium like nitrogen moves in the soil – leaches. Phosphorous does not move so readily. If you do not have a soil test, 00-00-25 + minors is a very good fertilizer to consider for your lawn and shrubs. Cotton Burr Compost is a super organic product for your yard at this time. Not only will it provide needed nutrients, but many people have noticed a reduction of fungus as well. Excell and Possum’s minors are two good minor nutrient products.

SeaHume G should be used with any of the above or, if you were going to use only one product, this would be the one to use. The host of minor and major nutrients as well as biostimulants will be a big help to your lawn, shrubs, and trees. SeaHume would combined well with any of the above products, especially Cotton Burr Compost.

If you know that you have had fungus in the past, consider putting out a preventative fungicide as the label recommends. Cleary’s 3336 and Disarm are two good systemic fungicides that are good to rotate.

While you are in your yard, look for any standing water and get rid of it. The mosquitoes are coming!

Always read, understand and follow product label. The product label is a Federal Law.