Monday, October 20, 2014

Ocean Forest Potting Soil

Since many of you will be changing out containers this fall, here is a little information about a top selling potting soil that is perfect for your high value plants, flowers, window boxes, hanging baskets, containers or vegetables. This soil is used by serious professional growers whose livelihood depends upon a great product.

Ocean Forest Potting Soil

Ocean Forest Potting Soil is an all-natural organic potting soil. With all the composted material, there are plenty of available nutrients to keep many plants thriving without the use of fertilizers. For heavy feeding plants, Ocean Forest blend will keep your plants fed for about one month before a fertilizer is needed. Another great feature to this potting soil is its ability to resist compacting over the season. Although all potting soils will eventually compact, Ocean Forest seems to have just the right amount of humus and perlite to keep compaction to a minimum. Less compaction allows for better water and oxygen penetration to the root system and helps keep the micro-organisms in the soil alive.
Ingredient Breakdown: Composted forest humus holds moisture in the soil. Sphagnum peat moss helps aerate and loosen soil allowing healthy root growth. Pacific Northwest sea-going fish  is an organic fertilizer that provides amino acids, enzymes, and nutrients. Crab meal is an organic fertilizer that suppresses pest nematode activity and also a good source of calcium. Shrimp meal is an organic fertilizer. Earthworm castings provide all the micro-nutrients necessary for plant growth. Sandy loam provides good water retention and drainage. Perlite provides optimum moisture retention for plant growth. Fossilized bat guano  is rich in calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, and zinc. Granite dust has minerals and trace elements that plants need. Norwegian kelp meal  is a source of naturally chelated trace elements. Oyster shell aids in pH adjustment and provides calcium.