I got a question about Fusilade II, so I decided to make the
answer a Horticulture Hotline article. Fusilade II could fit into one of those “secret
products” from last week. Killing grassy weeds out of beds is a lot easier with
this product helping you.
Fusilade II is what is known as a selective herbicide. Fusilade II selectively removes grassy weeds
from broadleaf planting beds. You can
spray Fusilade II right over the top of many different plants and it will kill
grassy weeds without hurting the plants (read and follow product label). It does particularly well in killing
Bermudagrass. Round Up is a
non-selective herbicide which means that it kills anything that it comes in
contact with. Fusilade II does a better
job of killing Bermudagrass than even Round Up.
Fusilade II lists over 40 annual and perennial grasses that
it controls. Some of the more common
ones are:
Bermudagrass, Wire Grass, Joint Grass
Broadleaf Signalgrass
Crabgrass (large, smooth, southern and tropical)
Field sandspur
Foxtail (giant, green, yellow)
The list of ornamentals that you can spray over the top of
is in the hundreds. Again, read and
follow the product label.
With all the Zoysia being planted in the area, Fusilade II
has another useful application. Killing bermudagrass in stands of Zoysia;
however, it is not labeled for home lawns.
Here is part of Syngenta’s Fusilade II label:
Over-spray Zoysia:
Application should be made at a rate of 3-4
oz./A with Fusilade II Turf and Ornamental Herbicide, and a
nonionic surfactant. Applications should be made in late
(around June 1) and repeated about every 28-30 days. Late summer
application can be reduced to 2-3 oz./A as bermudagrass
is preparing for dormancy. During hot summer weather the
could be increased to 4-5 oz./A. Note: The 5 oz. rate could
temporary turf discoloration.
The label does warn that this could be a multi-year process.
As you can see, this part of the label is packed with information. The label
mentions using a surfactant, when to apply the product, how often it should be
applied, when to adjust the rates, and even warns you that you might get some
discoloration. The label also has some very important information throughout
the whole label.
If you are trying to kill bermudagrass in Liriope, juniper
beds or other labeled plantings, we also sell other products that will do that.
Vantage, Over The Top, Ornamec, and Sethoxydim are a few of them. Vantage, Over
The Top and Ornamec are in smaller “retail” packaging.
Always read, understand and follow product label. The
product label is a Federal Law.