Monday, September 3, 2012

Mosquitoes and Tree Seminar

Here is a comment about last week’s Horticulture Hotline about mosquitoes (available at if you missed it) from a local doctor. Since I didn’t ask for permission use his note to me and he might lose his medical license if it is found out that that he reads the Horticulture Hotline, I altered his identity.

“Bill, I had the first case of West Nile Virus identified in SC, 2 years ago! From Wallenburg Rd. (In the middle of West Ashley, no ponds or creeks near.) She presented in the office thinking she had a stroke but didn't look "quite right". I'm now VERY CONCERNED about mosquitoes EVERYWHERE and carry repellant in the cars for use on the kids at any outing.
Thanks for the posts,
Dr. D. H., FAAFP”

Do your part. Kill mosquitoes when you have some free time. Cyonara, Bifen, and Cyzmic are a few products that will help you manage mosquitoes and other pests in your yard.

Scout for breeding areas and alter them, so they will not hold water. If you have a ditch or low areas that hold water, try Altosid or the Bt donuts. These products kill the larvae before they become adults and bite you or breed more.

Please register now for the upcoming Successful Tree planting and Establishment workshop sponsored by Trees SC and Possum's Landscape & Pest Control Supply. The workshop will be held Saturday, September 29 at the Horticulture Department building at the Trident Technical College main campus on Rivers Ave. in North Charleston. Both homeowners and professionals (landscapers, property managers, landscape architects, etc) are invited to attend. Topics and speakers to include:

Species Selection/Quality Nursery Stock: Tony Bertauski, Trident Technical College Horticulture Department
Learn how to recognize circling/girdling roots, identify root flare depth, and recognize good branching structure. Also learn about the Right Tree, Right Place approach to planting trees.

Proper Planting Techniques: Danny Burbage, City of Charleston Superintendent Urban Forestry
Learn how to properly plant a tree - proper hole size and depth, planting depth, backfill, and water retention.

Mulching and Irrigation: Nate Dubosh, MUSC Campus Arborist
Learn how to properly care for your tree once it has been planted– proper mulching techniques, irrigation, and fertilizing.

This is a FREE workshop. Space is limited to 30, so register today! Registration forms are at all three Possum’s Landscape and Pest Control Supply stores. For directions for the store near you go to  

Always read, understand and follow product label. The product label is a Federal Law.